By far the most excting part of our week was the discovery of a new little family on the farm. Ever since we stopped raising laying hens for commercial egg production, getting up to 150 pastured raised birds at one point, we have kept a small flock of free-range ladies. We have tried various strategies to get these girls to lay eggs in one area of the barn, preferably their nest boxes, but inevitably, they prefer to seek out more elaborate nests, creating an egg hunt for us every day. We like to let them roam, risking the disappearance of an egg or two because they do a great job of cleaning up after the cow (fly control). John was washing dishes when he noticed these adorable chicks poking out from under the wood pile on Saturday morning. So, now we know where some of the eggs have been going and we are delighted. We have never had a broody hen before and this little family is so lovely to watch. Mom is always nearby, teaching them how to scratch and how to be weary of curious cats and meddling dogs and eager little children.
We are 4 down and 4 to go for the wedding season here at the farm. Everyone stepped in to help out,
including Flora, arranging flowers for the house.
Green Chard
Tomato taste (aka a little bit of tomato to get you ready for more)
Squashes and Cukes
Green Onion
Green Peppers for Tuesday and Eggplant for Friday
Blessings on the meal,
PS....Our bit for CBS Sunday Morning was taped Friday and Saturday (thank you to our patient Friday shareholders who were filmed and interviewed!). The show airs Sunday, August 22nd.
Wow, so neat that you had unexpected chicks what a great surprse. We love our chickens too.
ReplyDeleteAlso congratulations on the filming. Glad to have come across your blog. Warm wishes, Tonya
ReplyDeleteThe sister of the bride from the 31st- Brooke- works at Aurora, and she was full of compliments for the event and the flowers! We are excited to be planning to cater with Local Sprouts for the upcoming event the last Saturday in August... so we can see the magic in person!
Well Abbie...I can't wait to see you in person and there will be a lovely roast pig...the highlight of the night for sure, second only to the beautiful bride.
ReplyDeleteThanks Tonya! Glad you found us.
CBS sunday morning is doing a peice on youguys!? That is awesome, setting the DVR tonight in case I'm not home. My fiance Beth will be so excited :)