The work of putting food by, cover cropping the garden rows that are finished producing and chopping wood brings my thoughts to the natural divisions of labor that occur in our house. There is definitely a gender divide that my early 20's feminist self would have balked at. The kind of divide that speaks of whole courses on women's studies that would pit classmates in heated discussions regarding the inherent value of this divide, its origins and how to reset the paradigm to create an equality between the genders. This early 20's self would have also cringed at the thought that time and experience bring a certain wisdom and a mellowing of what were thought of at the time as cemented ideals. But now, 15 years later, I am quite comfortable in my farm-wife routine.

If you've made it to the end of all this, you are probably wondering why I chose to write about work....well, remember how as a CSA member you agreed to a little volunteer work time in the garden?.....only 8 weeks left to fulfill that commitment!
Here are the options:
- Any Tuesday or Friday morning RAIN OR SHINE, join us for the harvest. We start at 5:45 and head in for a quick breakfast at 7 and are back in the field at 7:30. You can join us early or later. We try to be done by 11ish (sometimes we don't meet our own deadline) and you can take your share when you leave. It is always nice to see folks out in the early AM for the harvest and the work moves quickly with extra hands
- Saturdays from 9-12 we usually work but some weekends we take the day off. If you want to join us, we would love the company just call or email in advance to make sure we will be in the field
- Tuesday, September 9th, Potato digging potluck work party 4-7:30
- Saturday, October 18th 1-3 garden clean-up work party

Harvest List
Cipollini onions
green peppers
Blessings on the meal,
Stacy and John

(aka...farm camp ducks dressed up for a Friday dinner)
stacy, i have to admit that i still have a hard time putting down a book once i've started. i feel i must finish it! however, my feminist side has fully embraced the domestic woman in me. i spend more time in the kitchen than my 20 year old self ever even imagined possible!