Though Stacy and I have been at this farming gig for about 7 years, we have been too transient to have worked the same soil for more than three years. We've set-up greenhouse structures half a dozen times, overseen three irrigation system, and schemed three separate garden layouts. We've built storage shelves, established organic certification, run electricity, and marketed for each of the three farms we have lived and worked at. We are in our second season at Broadturn Farm and we look forward with high hopes at being here for the long haul. That makes this season unique. Our second seasons at our previous farms were overshadowed by the knowledge of a future move. Short term tenancy does not do a farm very well-- weeds are more easily ignored when you know you won't have to pull them in years to come.
But here in Scarborough signs are being made for a long commitment. A stone walkway is being built outside our front door (thanks Megan). The ornamental gardens are growing perennial flowers (thanks Liz). Permanent fences are laid out and ready to be installed. (thanks to our neighboring farmers) And literally, a farm sign in in the making. It takes years to get some basic infrastructure in place, as well as gain a knowledge of a paticular piece of land, and as you can guess, it takes the helping hands of many people-- volunteers, interns, and agritourist guests (thanks Tim.)

A backgound player of the highest importance is, of course, our Land Trust who owns this property. The members of the land trust have been hands-on and involved when they are needed most, and hands-off and at a respectful distance when the occasion warrents it. We are beginning to explore the need for a sub-committee of the land trust, which will continue to guide the develpement of the farm. "Friends of Broadturn Farm" would be a gathering of interested community members who can learn about the needs of the farm, as a community based entity, and brainstorm on ways the land trust and Broadturn Farm can integrate goals. ...talk about building infrastructure for the long haul! We are very excited about this possibility, and welcome any suggestions and volunteers from our community. We are looking towards the fall to get going on this, but keep us in mind if you have the interest and energy!

Green onions
Red Potatoes
Summer Squashes (yellow, zucchini, patty pan)
Green Beans
Russian Red Kale (pictured at the top of the post)
Pac Choi (Bac Choy? Pak Choi?)
Check out the "SWAP BOX" for extras and for items that others have left behind. Leave your unwanted items for others to enjoy. Don't take it all!
The "summer squashes" are all fairly interchangable but each one does have a subtle difference in flavor. The patty-pan is perhaps the least well-known, but it is just as delicious as the other two. The zucchini is "Costata Romanesco", an heirloom variety known for a nutty flavor but a low yield. Try to get a chance to have a taste of all three types over the next few weeks.
The Red Norland Potatoes are "new", i.e. the skins can be rubbed off with your fingers. They will not store too long, but being fresh dug this morning, they are more moist and creamy than normal potatoes.

Watch your step in the garden!
Blessings on the meal.
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