
Monday, July 23, 2012

Little Things, Here and There

A Pretty in Pink cocktail party in Prout's Neck,
 a Golden 50th Wedding Anniversary party in Old Orchard,
 a Wedding on Cow Island...complete with a boat ride ,
(I must confess I had a little panicky feeling when we were crossing the bay and the wind was whipping through the flowers...."what if" thoughts running rampant.But, we brought extra stems along, the arrangments arrived with barely a drop of water missing from the containers and looked smashing. But how could you not look smashing on an island?)

A picnic at the Portland Museum of Art. 

A busy week of flower work, only trumped by an even busier vegetable week. The fields are busting with weeds, pest and produce! Everything arrives at once, announcing the height of summer. The potential for working until dark each day exists. The list is long, the tasks are repetitive....water, weed, pick, squish, plant, seed, cut, wash, repeat....This morning I was wondering how many meals in a row of scrambled eggs and chocolate milk I might feed my child before she complains. But, the beauty looms large and those first tomatoes make my mouth water for more. This is the path we chose and it suits us, most days.
(John adjusting the foot rest for Flora. She is a very skilled transplanter and we are really enjoying the water wheel transplanter for a more successful transplanting experience on these parched July days.)

This week's Harvest includes:
summer squash/zucchini/patty pan
green garlic
salad turnips


  1. sigh....wish i were there, helping you kick ass. rock on! can't wait till fall to rehash all the gory details. it's brutal but so very worth it! everything looks amazing
    : )~E

  2. Stacy, your flower arrangements are absolutely royal! You need to find a customer with a marble spiral staircase or velvet drapes, I think. ;)
